My first Kaipara Country Card is A6, blank inside and the back features a little info (see below). I send NZ cards like this for all occasions – from birthday to sympathy, christenings to Christmas.
Downriver to Batley.
* $20 for 10 cards – postage in NZ – gratis.
You can can pay by:
Cheque: post to:
PO Box 15, Maungaturoto 0547
Direct Debit / PayPal: Email me at raeroadley @gmail. com and I’ll provide details.
Printed in NZ by:
Jeff Oliver Print.
The back of the card:
Looking down the Otamatea River to Batley
Photographed by Rae Roadley (2013)
Batley, situated on the Otamatea River, an arm of the Kaipara Harbour, was settled in 1862 and was a port on the steamer route. The house has been a store, post office, boarding house and hotel and is registered with the New Zealand Historic Place Trust. The Kaipara Harbour, the largest harbour in the southern hemisphere, covers about 95,000 hectares at high water, but only about half that at low tide. (Printed in NZ).
September 6, 2016 at 10:13 am (UTC 12) Link to this comment
I was there! Your blog is gorgeous as are these cards. Sending love. Auntie Marcie
Rae Roadley
September 6, 2016 at 10:52 am (UTC 12) Link to this comment
Thank you! As is yours. About to add a story about a baby heron that fell from its nest – wet, frozen. Brought it back to life. Love Rae